
For an up-to-date list of publications, see the i-star group library on CiteULike.
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Cover of the textbook %22Social Modeling for Requirements Engineering%22
From MIT Press: "This book offers a new approach to the requirements challenge, based on modeling and analyzing the relationships among stakeholders. The i* framework conceives of software-based information systems as being situated in environments in which social actors relate to each other in terms of goals to be achieved, tasks to be performed, and resources to be furnished. The book includes Eric Yu's original proposal for the i* framework as well as research that applies, adapts, extends, or evaluates the social modeling concepts and approach."
Chapter 2 is a reprint of Eric Yu's doctoral dissertation from 1995. It is followed by 18 chapters authored by researchers from around the world who have applied, adapted, or extended the i* framework in various ways, and for diverse application contexts – from business processes to knowledge management to air traffic control, from information security to software development.

The following wiki pages list i*-related publications in various categories, including an i* Readings Roadmap and a list of i*-related Phd Dissertations. Note that the i-star group library on CiteULike may contain more up-to-date information.

These pages are based on the content of Prof. Eric Yu's i* page, as well as contributions by members of this wiki.

Registered members are encouraged to add to this list of publications.
Here are Instructions for Adding Publications to the wiki.

Created by dschmitz. Last Modification: Wednesday 03 of July, 2013 21:25:48 GMT-0000 by yu.